Home Marcus Holtz documentation site

Marcus Holtz

Welcome to the Holtzweb blog

This is where my notes and documentation for my projects live.

Create an encrypted volume to mount for your OS

LUKS Encrypt Linux Laptop

Use LUKS to encrypt your laptop’s data Everyone should have their mobile data encrypted. Your cell phone does this. Why doesnt your laptop? You must enter your PIN/PASSWORD for using your mobile ...

Use gocryptfs to transparently encrypt files

Encrypt your cloud storage with gocryptfs

Using gocryptfs to store notes Would you like to upload files to anywhere and trust their contents will be safe? gocryptfs works on Linux, Windows, and kind-of on MacOS gocryptfs Go...

Upload a photo using DNS and Download it anywhere

Upload a photo using DNS, Download it anywhere

Download Marcus Holtz’ photo using DNS Would you like to download a picture of Marcus Holtz? NOW YOU CAN! Using DNS txt records in Base64 you can download a photo. If you want to inspect the scr...

GPG Key Creation and Modification and Storage now with YubiKey

GPG Key Creation, Modification, and Storage

GPG Key Creation, Modification, and Storage Install GUI Software Install software: sudo apt -y install kgpg gpa seahorse kleopatra Install additional software: sudo apt install faketime xloadi...

Proxmox storage with ZFS

ZFS for Proxmox Storage

Using ZFS with Proxmox Storage has never been easier! No pool creation needed, Proxmox installed with ZFS root, PBS pools ready This is the best case. When you’ve already installed Proxmox and ha...

Proxmox Post-Install User Creation

Proxmox Post-Install User Creation

Post Install Proxmox Not using LDAP? Let’s use PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules), in its little corner of the /etc directory. Connect to the Proxmox VE web interface Connect to the admin we...

Using NAT and SPAN with Proxmox

Using NAT and SPAN with Proxmox

NAT - Network Address Translation In Proxmox, a NAT configuration can only be done through a CLI. IP forwarding must be allowed in order for NAT to work. By default, it is not enabled. The follow...

Host System Firewall

Proxmox Server Host System's Firewall

Proxmox Networking Security Firewall Install UFW & Fail2Ban: sudo apt install ufw fail2ban :NOTE: Be sure you have installed ifupdown2 before here, or it may brake the connection. In a b...

Installing Proxmox from Debian

Installing Proxmox from Debian

Debian Fresh Install Downloaded debian-live-11.7.0-amd64-kde.iso and burn it to a USB drive. Plugged in the USB and booted from a Graphical Install Let the installer format ext4install Debian wit...

Proxmox Initial Bridge Networking

Proxmox Initial Bridge's Networking

Proxmox Post-Install Networking Setting up the initial Bridge Once logged in to the web interface, we will create a Linux Bridge called vmbr0, and add the upstream nic network interface to it. T...