Home Marcus Holtz documentation site

Marcus Holtz

Welcome to the Holtzweb blog

This is where my notes and documentation for my projects live.

Move current Proxmox

Move current Proxmox over to a new computer

New PC? New Install? Need to move Proxmox over to a new computer? No Cluster? NO PROBLEM! Great! You want to re-install proxmox, but use your current… everything. Maybe you want to replace a fail...

Proxmox IOMMU for PCI Passthrough

Proxmox IOMMU for PCI Passthrough

Edit the host OS Edit GRUB First edit grub to allow IOMMU based on your chipset manufaturer, and have the motherboard split up the IOMMU groups. This is basically the same thing that UnRAID does....

Proxmox Backup Server

Proxmox Backup Server

Install Proxmox Backup Server (This was all done earlier, but is a requirement for installing PBS) Make sure you have added the repo: wget http://download.proxmox.com/debian/proxmox-ve-release-6...

Proxmox automatic storage backups

Proxmox automatic storage backups with Sanoid, cv4pve, and PBS2

Automating storage backups with Proxmox Proxmox offers many solutions for backups. This write-up specifically addresses ZFS based storage systems. Using Sanoid, cv4pve, and PBS2 we’re able to take...

Using Github actions to Update a Github repository

Using Github actions to Update a Github repository

Update readme.md with the date command GitHub Repository Scheduled Update Using GitHub Actions Practice updating your github repository with the use of github actions. First, create a new re...

Terminal Screensavers

Terminal Screensavers - Screen saver for your shell

Single Line / Copy & Paste Screensavers You can find these, and plenty more at mewbies.com: Best collection of Terminal Based screensavers Cursor Bounce Cursor will bounce off the walls o...

Cool Tmux and Terminal Dashboards

TTY0 Tmux Window Rotate and Cool Terminal Dashboards

Cool Tmux and Terminal Dashboards These scripts present examples of dashboards and how to make a rotating Tmux windows. A TTY0 screen can be used (or over SSH) to visualize data and rotate throu...