Home Proxmox Backup Server

Proxmox Backup Server

Install Proxmox Backup Server

(This was all done earlier, but is a requirement for installing PBS)

Make sure you have added the repo:

wget http://download.proxmox.com/debian/proxmox-ve-release-6.x.gpg -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-ve-release-6.x.gpg


edit /etc/apt/sources.list and add:

deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pbs buster pbs-no-subscription

Update then install both client and server:

apt update; apt upgrade -y

apt-get install proxmox-backup

Create a new PBS user

list current users:

proxmox-backup-manager user list

You can add a new user with the user create subcommand below or through the web interface, under the User Management tab of Configuration -> Access Control.

proxmox-backup-manager user create dancecommander@pam --comment "Administrator that can samba"

Newly created users do not have any permissions.

You can manage permissions via Configuration -> Access Control -> Permissions in the web interface. Likewise, you can use the acl subcommand below to manage and monitor user permissions from the command line.

proxmox-backup-manager acl update / Admin --auth-id dancecommander@pam

Once complete we can list the permissions with:

proxmox-backup-manager acl list

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