Home Terminal Screensavers - Screen saver for your shell

Terminal Screensavers - Screen saver for your shell


Single Line / Copy & Paste Screensavers

You can find these, and plenty more at mewbies.com: Best collection of Terminal Based screensavers

Cursor Bounce

Cursor will bounce off the walls of your terminal. Try resizing your terminal while its in the middle of the terminal.

x=1;y=1;xd=1;yd=1;while true;do if [[ $x == $LINES || $x == 0 ]]; then xd=$(( $xd *-1 )) ; fi ; if [[ $y == $COLUMNS || $y == 0 ]]; then yd=$(( $yd * -1 )) ; fi ; x=$(( $x + $xd )); y=$(( $y + $yd )); printf "\33[%s;%sH" $x $y; sleep 0.02 ;done

Rainbow Cursor Worm

Cursor leaves a rainbow trail behind it.

a=1;x=1;y=1;xd=1;yd=1;while true;do if [[ $x == $LINES || $x == 0 ]]; then xd=$(( $xd *-1 )) ; fi ; if [[ $y == $COLUMNS || $y == 0 ]]; then yd=$(( $yd * -1 )) ; fi ; x=$(( $x + $xd )); y=$(( $y + $yd )); printf "\33[%s;%sH\33[48;5;%sm \33[0m" $x $y $(($a%199+16)) ;a=$(( $a + 1 )) ; sleep 0.001 ;done

Terminal Screen Saver

Full terminal color gradient effects. The modulus operations keep the colors cycling a bit and makes sure it repeats itself after producing some horizontal lines. Probably could be reworked to be a bit better, this is an exercise left to the hacker.

j=0;a=1;x=1;y=1;xd=1;yd=1;while true;do for i in {1..2000} ; do if [[ $x == $LINES || $x == 0 ]]; then xd=$(( $xd *-1 )) ; fi ; if [[ $y == $COLUMNS || $y == 0 ]]; then yd=$(( $yd * -1 )) ; fi ; x=$(( $x + $xd )); y=$(( $y + $yd )); printf "\33[%s;%sH\33[48;5;%sm . \33[0m" $x $y $(( $a % 8 + 16 + $j % 223 )) ;a=$(( $a + 1 )) ; done ; x=$(( x%$COLUMNS + 1 )) ; j=$(( $j + 8 )) ;done

Blue Matrix

will output horizontally then scroll your screen down and repeat.

while [ 1 -lt 2 ]; do i=0; COL=$((RANDOM%$(tput cols)));ROW=$((RANDOM% $(tput cols)));while [ $i -lt $COL ]; do tput cup $i $ROW;echo -e \ "\033[1;34m" $(cat /dev/urandom | head -1 | cut -c1-1) 2>/dev/null \ ; i=$(expr $i + 1); done; done

Downloaded Terminal Screensavers


Animated Windows 95 esque pipes terminal screensaver.

cd /usr/local/bin;wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pipeseroni/pipes.sh/master/pipes.sh;chmod 755 pipes.sh

NCmatrix - Network Code Matrix

Cmatrix is mad popular terminal screensaver … wouldnt it be great if that actually did something? You can attach colors to based on incoming and outgoing packets of the network interface. https://github.com/mayfrost/NCMatrix


Cacademo displays ASCII art effects with animated transitions: metaballs, moire pattern of con-centric circles, old school plasma, Matrix-like scrolling. apt install caca-utils To view the programs (binaries) included with caca-utils: dpkg -L caca-utils|grep -i /usr/bin/

  • /usr/bin/cacaview - ASCII image browser (renders images)
  • /usr/bin/cacafire - libcaca’s demonstration applications
  • /usr/bin/cacaserver - telnet server for libcaca
  • /usr/bin/cacaplay - play libcaca animation files
  • /usr/bin/cacademo - libcaca’s demonstration applications
  • /usr/bin/img2txt - convert images to various text-based coloured files
  • (If you installed -0.99.beta18 also cacaclock - Text-mode clock display CACA - VIEW MOVIES IN LINUX TERMINAL AS ASCII ART Yes you can watch movies in your Linux terminal, but you need VLC to do so. apt install vlc cvlc --loop --no-audio -V caca Animation.mp4 To quit a video in loop, CTRL+Q

Mplayer will also display this in terminal. apt install mplayer mplayer -vo caca Animation.mp4


Using Bash’s Arithmetic Evaluation to enable the weaving cd /usr/local/bin;wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pipeseroni/weave.sh/master/weave.sh;chmod 755 weave.sh

Ctrl+l to clear screen. Some example variables to run weave:

  • ./weave.sh '(((x + y) % 2))'
  • ./weave.sh '(((x % 5 + y % 11) % 2))'
  • char_v='|' char_h='-' ./weave.sh And:
  • ./weave.sh '(( $(echo "v=s(($x-1)*2*4*a(1)/$W);scale=0;$H-$H*(v+1)/2 == $y" | bc -l) ))'

PearlBased Terminal Screensavers


You can preview your own live ASCIIQuarium at asciiquarium.live.

Install Pre-requisets:

apt install libcurses-perl build-essential

cpan -i Term::Animation

The first time running cpan you will be prompted with many questions. Hit Enter key to all questions to select its default.

Next, copy this URL and download it:

wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/K/KB/KBAUCOM/Term-Animation-2.6.tar.gz

tar -zxvf Term-Animation-2.6.tar.gz

cd Term-Animation-2.6/

perl Makefile.PL && make && make test

make install

Clean up:

rm Term-Animation-2.6.tar.gz

rm Term-Animation-2.6/ -rf

Install mission Bundle in Pearl:

Invoke the CPAN shell by entering the following command at a system shell prompt:

% perl -MCPAN -eshell

With the new prompt, all you have to do is enter:

install Bundle::LWP

Now you can install ASCIIQuarium:

wget http://www.robobunny.com/projects/asciiquarium/asciiquarium_1.1.tar.gz

tar -zxvf asciiquarium_1.1.tar.gz

cd asciiquarium_1.1/

cp asciiquarium /usr/local/bin

chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/asciiquarium

cd ../;rm asciiquarium_1.1/ -rf

rm asciiquarium_1.1.tar.gz

Weatherspect (broken but cool scene)

The requirements for WeatherSpect are the same as ASCIIQuarium.

To use the Weather Thing also install:

cpan -i Weather::Underground

But it doesnt work.

wget http://www.robobunny.com/projects/weatherspect/weatherspect_v1.11.tar.gz

tar -zxvf weatherspect_v1.11.tar.gz && cd weatherspect_v1.11/

cp weatherspect /usr/local/bin && chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/weatherspect

cd ../;weatherspect_v1.11/ -rf

rm weatherspect_v1.11.tar.gz

Making it a command

  1. Editing .bashrc or .profile to make the screen saver work on a command you may edit .bashrc or .profile (if you are using ubuntu) using one of your favourite text editor here we are using vi:

vi ~/.bashrc

  1. Put the following content in .bashrc if you are using Ubuntu .profile
    function run_scr(){
       j=0;a=1;x=1;y=1;xd=1;yd=1;while true;do for i in {1..2000} ; do if [[ $x == $LINES || $x == 0 ]]; then xd=$(( $xd *-1 )) ; fi ; if [[ $y == $COLUMNS || $y == 0 ]]; then yd=$(( $yd * -1 )) ; fi ; x=$(( $x + $xd )); y=$(( $y + $yd )); printf "\33[%s;%sH\33[48;5;%sm . \33[0m" $x $y $(( $a % 8 + 16 + $j % 223 )) ;a=$(( $a + 1 )) ; done ; x=$(( x%$COLUMNS + 1 )) ; j=$(( $j + 8 )) ;done &
    tput smso
    echo "Press any key to return \c"
    tput rmso
    oldstty=`stty -g`
    stty -icanon -echo min 1 time 0
    dd bs=1 count=1 >/dev/null 2>&1
    stty "$oldstty"
    kill $main
    alias screensaver=run_scr
  1. Close the session and open it again, or simply reload the .bashrc configuration

  2. To enable to screen saver type the following command string: screensaver

  3. To stop it press any key or **CTRL+C**

NOTE: These calls are not compatible with all linux distros.

Source for copy paste screensaver one liners

Automatic Terminal Screensaver

This github repo has a setup to run a screensaver every XX time alotment. This is basically a screensaver!



Best collection of Terminal Based screensavers

Bonus Points:

Install Unreal Tournament and have BOTS play eachother:

Text Mode Unreal Tournament

Terminal Text Effects


Another neat terminal effect you can use is: TerminalTextEffects (TTE).

  • TTE can be installed as a system application to produce effects in your terminal, or as a Python library to enable effects within your Python scripts/applications.

View the TTE effects showroom

The effects showroom display the built-in library of effects and their default configuration.

You can find the showroom at:


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